Wildfood Walk & Talk September
SEPTEMBER’S Wildfood Walk & Talk
Date: Saturday, September 21st, 2024
Time: 9:00 am-1:00pm
Location: Adventure Ink
RSVP by email, phone, or text. Please send us your name, number of attendees, and email address.
Contact Us: adventureink.pmc@gmail.com , 805-338-1458 (call or text)
About the Program: Our Wildfood Walk and Talk involves learning about the various native plant species in the Southern California region, specifically Los Padres National Forest. Hikes are led by environmental biologist Gisa Seeholzer, who can provide insight into the ecology and history of the area. These hikes promote awareness and appreciation of the natural world and help people develop a deeper understanding of the plants and fungi, both invasive and native to Southern California. Many people find our Native Plant Walk a relaxing and educational way to spend time in nature.
Donation Fee: $10 suggested donation to Books in the Woods (501(c)3 charitable nonprofit)
What to Bring: Comfortable Hiking Summertime Clothes and Shoes, a Water Bottle, a Hat, Bug Spray, Sunscreen, a Notebook, a Pencil or pen, and a Small to Medium Foraging Basket.
Informative Books and Items Available at Adventure Ink:
Notebooks: We carry various sizes and styles
Pens: We carry fountain and ballpoint
Maps: Los Padres National Forest
Guides: Sibley’s Trees of California & Sibley’s Common Mushrooms of California
Books: Medicinal Herbs of California by Lanny Kaufer & Foraging California by Christopher Nyreges
RSVP by email, phone, or text. Please send us your name, number of attendees, and email address.
Contact Us: adventureink.pmc@gmail.com , 805-338-1458 (call or text)
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